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The Great Smoke Out was created in efforts to unite the cannabis industry and patients for the sole purpose of celebrating all things cannabis. 

From Beer-gardens to chill zones, "The Great Smoke Out" is an event for everyone. 

  • Attendees must be 21 and over.

  • Must have a valid Medical Marijuana Doctors Recommendation to purchase cannabis but not to smoke! 

  • Mascaraed Masks, Feathers, and any costume Welcomed.

See you at "The Great Smoke Out"!

Mountain Lake
Beach Huts
Ferris Wheel
Palm Trees
City Cycle
Misty Slopes
Fire Wood
Foggy Pier
Cafe in Autumn

2016 Photo's Coming Soon...

Welcome to "The Great Smoke Out" Page! Here you can find information on past and future events, photos, and updates on what's new for the event. All interested exhibitors can inquire through the link below.

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